Thursday, April 16, 2009

Puppy Breath?

There is something about a puppy that is hard to understand - they are so small and so inexperienced but they can read their owners like a book from day one.
We picked up our PWD (Portuguese Water Dog - a pre-Obama purchase!) a week ago and now we are deep in the puppy learning stages. My last pup was almost 17 years ago so we picked up half a dozen books, looked up the Dog Whisperer web site, and have solicited info from friends and family alike. We want to be good parents, say the right things in the right ways to have a dog that is happy and well behaved. So far it is going well, at least most of the time.
One thing every book tells you is that your dog can pick up a great deal of information from YOUR behavior. They can tell if you are nervous or confident, staying or leaving, annoyed or pleased. They watch you, listen to you, and anticipate your every move. HOW can such a small animal pick all this up?
This reminds me a bit of our relationship as Christians with the world and our children. It isn't what we preach or say as much as the vibe we give off, the little things we do without even thinking about it. I mean the watching world has every sense focused on our behavior to find out what makes us tick or what makes us such hypocrites. It ALL matters in our witness, even the stuff we are unaware off.
Pray today that God will work in your life in such a way that you can automatically exude the joy and confidence we have in our creator given life. People pick up your vibe way before your actions. Become aware of your mood and your responses as seen by the a watching world. Be a sweet aroma in your environment and be as attractive (for Christ) as a puppy - with better breath and potty habits!

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